Monday, March 4, 2019

The Convention Countdown Begins!

As many of you know, the 39th National Narrow Gauge Convention is being held in Sacramento this September.  I am excited to announce that my layout will be on the tour!  My layout is about 60 miles out of Sacramento.

Based on largest of the 2 foot gauge railroads in Maine, this On2 bi level layout is housed in 2,400 square foot room.  The walk along design is based on the 1916 ICC track survey with a 900 foot mainline and uses a NCE wireless DCC system.  A 12 car train elevator is utilized to connect the two benchwork levels.

The 24 hour cycle bicolor LED lighting system is controlled by the fastclock.    Sunrise/sunset times vary with month assigned for each operating session, and lighting conditions vary with weather conditions chosen for the session.

Still early days with 100% of benchwork and trackwork done, but only just starting on an 80 foot section of scenery

There has been a lot of work going on here on the layout.  As with all large projects, it has been a journey.  I look forward to posting more information about my layout in the coming weeks and I hope to meet some of you on the layout tour!

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